Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Braces, Glasses and Ibuprofen"

So, I feel 13 again today! "Why?", you ask. Well, I entered the world of braces today. Yes, I am 29 and I have braces again! Go ahead and say it, I know what you are thinking....."Metal Mouth!"....."Brace Face!"...the list could go on and on. This morning I took the girls over to my in-laws and then headed over to the Orthodontist. I was very nervous about the appointment and was hoping it would not cause me too much pain.
Looking into the mirror after they had placed the brackets on my teeth all I could think of was the new "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" movie and the scene of the little boy with the braces and headgear trying to eat some candy. Thank goodness I don't have to wear headgear I think my little girls would be pretty scared of their mommy. Of course, the worst part of all is that I have to have 4 teeth extracted due to crowding. I inherited a small mouth from my dad, thanks dad! I am not looking forward to that appointment at all.
I am in pain right now and will be taking Ibuprofen consecutively for the next several days. So if you think about me, please say a little prayer for me. It would be much appreciated! This picture completely describes what I feel like when I look in the mirror.

Humor of the Day: The Orthodontist gave me a pill to take prior to my appointment that would cause my mouth to be dry. The form said to not wear contacts since the medication causes your eyes to be dry as well. So I wore my glasses today. As they were working I would take my glasses off and then put them back on to look into the mirror above me. At one point I (all in "Trisha" form) freaked out and was like, "Oh no, where did I put my glasses?" I thought they had fallen to the floor since they were not in my hand. The assistant looked at me and laughed and said, "They are on your face sweetie." We laughed and I felt like a complete moron! I could totally here D saying, "Only you babe!" So yes, today I am wearing braces and glasses! Nice!

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