Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This has been quite an exciting and event filled year for our family. We moved into our new home in March and very quickly fell in love with our neighborhood and home. Spring time was spent organizing our home and playing outside in the mornings watching the construction crews build homes all around us. We spent many days this summer at the neighborhood pool and the local Y. We celebrated the 4th in Charlotte with my family which was a lot of fun. Our Fall was quite pleasant and we found ourselves outside once again almost every afternoon until dinner time. We have been blessed with so many great neighbors. Our street is packed with young families and little kids. The girls love being outside with their friends. My prayer is that our family will be a light to our neighbors in this dark world. This brings us to Thanksgiving! Here are a couple of things I am thankful for:
1. Healthy children who love me and create patience in me that I did not know I had.
2. God's Word that encourages me and gives me strength for every battle and fear I face and the Lord's Salvation!
3. My husband who is always there to lighten my load and love me without condition.
4. My amazing church family and choir...I love singing praises to our Lord.
5. My mom,dad and sisters who are always there to listen to me (despite their own burdens) and find a way to make me laugh.

There are many other things I am thankful for, but let's keep it short for now. So that is the past eight months in a nut shell. I am going to try to do a much better job at blogging. I read and keep up with so many blogs so hopefully reading them will keep me accountable.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. May your day be filled with much Thanks and Giving!
