Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I miss the Sunshine!

We have had so much rain this past week. I was glad for a chance to get outside yesterday for a little while and let the girls play. They need to be outside just as much as I do. We don't do well being stuck inside. They play so well together and love riding on their Power wheels jeep. I am looking forward to the weekend when it will be warm and sunny!

I am so excited for our trip to Florida. Just a few more weeks and we will be on the beach with the Sunshine! I have so many fond memories of our many trips to my grandparents condo in Florida. I hope my children enjoy our time down there as I did growing up. I think the smell of the flowers is one of my favorites and seeing all of the Palm trees. Another reason I am so excited for our vacation is that I get to see my sister and her son. I know this is a much needed vacation for all of us. I can't wait to start packing the bathing suits and sunscreen! Yipppeeeeee!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Time is Here!

We have really been enjoying our new church home. We have been there for almost three months and feel we are starting to connect to several families. I have enjoyed helping out with kid's choir and nursery. I think Wednesday nights are our favorites because we get to dive into God's Word and be challenged together as a couple along with our peers. I am looking forward to our ladies retreat in Hilton Head this June. I know it will give me great opportunities to get to know many other ladies as well.

SK is playing soccer for the Family Y and she is loving it. She scored her first goal the other week and was really excited about it. SB enjoys watching her, but I know she would rather be on the field with her sister.

The girls and I are so excited about this warmer weather and we try to get outside to play as much as possible. Hope you are enjoying your Spring!

"Rejoice in the Lord always,I will say it again Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4